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Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
The Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 provides for the establishment and maintenance of a national system of controls relating to the quality, safety, efficacy and timely availability of therapeutic goods that are used in Australia or exported from Australia.
Official version of legislation
The Federal Register of Legislation is the authorised Australian Government website for Commonwealth legislation. It contains the full text and details of the life cycle of individual laws.
Guidance referring to this legislation
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors who have submitted applications for inclusion of medical devices including in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs), in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors and manufacturers to meet the technical, scientific and regulatory requirements to ensure the quality of probiotic medicine acceptable under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
GuidanceGuidance on the regulatory requirements for assessed listed medicines.
GuidanceGuidance to help sponsors figure out if their therapeutic goods are medicines, biologicals, or medical devices.
GuidanceGuidance explaining the regulatory requirements for listed medicines and how we undertake compliance reviews.
GuidanceGuidance providing an overview of listed medicines and listed assessed medicines pathways and legislative requirements.
GuidanceGuidelines for using the 'TGA assessed' claim on labels for assessed listed medicines and registered complementary medicines.
GuidanceGuidance to assist sponsors and manufacturers comply with Therapeutic Goods (Microbiological standards for medicines) (TGO 100) Order 2018.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors on the fees payable and timeframes for different types of prescription medicine applications.
GuidanceGuidance on how to provide the required patient information materials with all implantable and active implantable medical devices.
GuidanceThis guidance document provides information about when and how clinical decision support software is regulated in Australia by the TGA.
GuidanceThis guidance is to assist you to apply for a Certificate of Free Sale or an Export Certificate for medical devices, including in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) and Other Therapeutic Goods (OTGs).
GuidanceGuidance on requirements relating to impurities in prescription medicines entered in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceGuidance on when and how to provide Product Information to us.
GuidanceGuidance on the evaluation process and information required for new registered complementary medicines.
GuidanceGuidance on criteria and supporting documentation required for a medicine to be eligible for provisional determination.
GuidanceGuidance on the process for registering new medicines with new trade names that are 'clones' of currently registered prescription medicines
GuidanceThis guidance is to assist entities and individuals planning to export medicines (including prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) and complementary medicines) either for commercial supply, or for non-commercial purposes (for example, for a family member or friend).
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors and manufacturers of prescription medicines that contain, or are produced by, genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
GuidanceGuidance on provisional registration process for prescription medicines with provisional determination.
GuidanceThis guidance explains the administrative and prescribing (dossier) information you need to support the registration of a prescription medicine. It also applies to varying the details of an Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) registration for a prescription medicine.
GuidanceGuidance to change an ARTG registered over-the-counter (OTC) medicine.
GuidanceGuidance for manufacturers and sponsors on cyber security of medical devices that include software or electronic components.
GuidanceGuidance about how to make variations to Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) entries for prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance for preparing a technical file review, as part of your application to include an in-vitro medical device in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
GuidanceGuidance for GCP inspection of clinical trial sites for investigational biologicals, medicines and medical devices.
GuidanceInformation to assist sponsors and manufacturers of products making antiviral claims determine if their product require an entry in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) to be legally imported and/or supplied in Australia.
GuidanceThis guidance is for manufacturers of registered medicinal gases to understand our interpretation of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) guide to GMP for medicinal products.
GuidanceThis guidance explains good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements for Australian sponsors and manufacturers of medicines, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and sunscreens.
GuidanceGuidance to help manufacturers of medical devices classify their devices correctly.
GuidanceGuidance for supplying substitute medicines when registered medicines are unavailable or in short supply.
GuidanceGuidance for industry organisations applying to add a medicine to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceAn overview of the Data Protection Scheme for assessed listed medicines, and the criteria that must be met for information to be considered protected under the Scheme.
GuidanceGuidance on the clinical evidence requirements for medical devices, including in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs), under Australian legislation.
GuidanceThis guidance will assist companies making announcements, to comply with their continuous disclosure obligations, without advertising therapeutic goods to the public.
GuidanceGuidance about the types of notifications and variations for chemically derived (non-biological) prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance about the types of notifications and variations for biological medicines.
GuidanceGuidance on our approved terminology for medicines.
GuidanceGuidance on how to comply with the quality standards for MDMA (TGO 112) and psilocybine (TGO 113).
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors on the process for including IVD medical devices in the ARTG.
GuidanceGuidance on the transitional arrangements and obligations of medical devices with a diagnostic function.
GuidanceGuidance about application pathways and data requirements for new generic medicines, and variations to existing medicines.
GuidanceGuidance on the mandatory requirements for reporting current and anticipated reportable medicine shortages and discontinuations in Australia.
GuidanceThis guidance explains requirements for registering a non-prescription over-the-counter (OTC) medicine on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceThis guidance will help you understand our pharmacovigilance inspection program (PVIP).
GuidanceGuidance on the application process and information required for a substance to be evaluated for use in listed medicines.
GuidanceGuidance to understand if your medical device product should be in the ARTG.
GuidanceGuidance on the use of modified unprocessed herbal materials in complementary medicines
GuidanceGuidance on using literature based submissions for applications for listed, assessed listed and registered complementary medicines.
GuidanceGuidance for making an offer of enforceable undertaking to us.
GuidanceGuidance for biological sponsors on the eligibility criteria and supporting documents required for priority determination applications
GuidanceGuidance on submitting the CPD for prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance about how to advertise therapeutic goods exclusively to health professionals.
GuidanceGuidance on complying with therapeutic goods advertising requirements.
GuidanceThe trade name of a therapeutic good must comply with therapeutic goods legislation, including advertising legislation.
GuidanceGuidance and examples to help you understand the regulatory framework for personalised medical devices.
GuidanceGuidance on good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliance requirements for domestic and overseas manufacturers of medicines and biologicals.
GuidanceGuidance for sunscreen manufacturers who must comply with the PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (PE009-13).
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors or suppliers of biologicals in Australia on their ongoing responsibilities after a product is included on the Australian Register. of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors, manufacturers and providers of faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) products.
GuidanceGuidance about how to request reconsideration of 'reviewable' initial decisions by the Minister for Health.
GuidanceGuidance explaining regulatory requirements for in-house in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs).
GuidanceGuidance applies to self-tests and point-of-care combo test kits.
GuidanceGuidance about the process of applying for a priority determination, which is the first step of the priority review registration pathway.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors of faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) products, which are regulated as biologicals.
GuidanceGuidance to assist Australian corporations seeking to apply for an Australian conformity assessment body (CAB) determination for medical devices (including IVDs) by the TGA.
GuidanceGuidance on the information that we include in AusPARS for prescription medicines and when we publish them.
GuidanceThis guidance is to assist sponsors understand their requirements when supplying ‘unapproved’ therapeutic goods under the Special Access Scheme and Authorised Prescriber Pathway.
GuidanceThis guidance will assist you in determining if a product is a cosmetic or a therapeutic good and how to comply with Australian regulatory requirements and advertising rules for therapeutic goods.
GuidanceGuidance to explain what we need for software and apps that work with COVID-19 rapid antigen tests.
GuidanceGuidance for notifying the TGA about substantial changes to, or transfers of, conformity assessment certificates.
GuidanceMandatory labelling requirements for biologicals and human cell and tissue materials.
GuidanceGuidance on applying for a provisional determination, which is the first step of the provisional approval pathway.
GuidanceGuidance on the legislative, regulatory and good clinical practice requirements when conducting clinical trials in Australia using unapproved therapeutic goods.
GuidanceRelease on non-conforming biologicals is only permitted under prescribed circumstances and for an individual patient. Access to the request form and instructions are within the guidance document.
GuidanceGuidance about the regulation of sport supplements in Australia for importers and sellers.
GuidanceGuidance on how to request early scientific advice on a biowaiver justification.
GuidanceThis guidance outlines ARTG and conformity assessment procedures for immunohaematology reagents (IHRs) requirements, that manufacturers and sponsors need to know.
GuidanceGuidance on clinical performance requirements and risk mitigation strategies.
GuidanceGuidance for interpreting the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) guide to good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products.
GuidanceGuidance about how we regulate biologicals that are packaged, or combined, with other therapeutic goods.
GuidanceGuidance on how we make use of assessments from comparable overseas regulators (CORs).
GuidanceGuidance for medical practitioners, Human Research Ethics Committees, specialist colleges and sponsors of 'unapproved' therapeutic goods.
GuidanceGuidance on changing information in the ARTG for listed or assessed listed medicines.
GuidanceGuidance on medical device application processing timeframes.
GuidanceGuidance for interpreting the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) guide to good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products.
GuidanceGuidance for the requirements applicable to medical devices containing poisons.
GuidanceGuidance to determine the level of regulation of PRP, PRF or conditioned serum products for therapeutic use.
GuidanceGuidance for manufacturers of medical devices considering supplying the instructions for use of their device in an electronic or online format.
GuidanceGuidance to help manufacturers and sponsors navigate packaging terms across the industry, to meet regulatory requirements.
GuidanceGuidance on how exempt disinfectants are defined and meeting the regulatory requirements for their manufacture, supply and advertising.
GuidanceGuidance to help you understand which therapeutic goods will be regulated as a biological.
GuidanceGuidance updated to reflect expectations of the new PIC/S guide to GMP PE009-13.
GuidanceHow to meet regulatory requirements for the manufacture and supply of menstrual cups in Australia.
GuidanceGuidance to assist sponsors and manufacturers in preparing their documentation for applications for COVID-19 rapid antigen tests.
GuidanceGuidance and other resources for sponsors about mandatory reporting of medicine shortages in Australia.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors and manufacturers on regulatory responsibilities associated with first aid kits supplied using the special conformity assessment procedure.
GuidanceGuidance detailing self-certification procedures for Class I non-measuring, non-sterile non-IVD medical devices; Class 1 IVD medical devices; some systems and procedure packs; medical devices for export.
GuidanceGuidance to understand how we interpret regulations and how manufacturers can comply with them.
GuidanceGuidance on the priority applicant determination criteria and process for medical devices including in vitro diagnostics (IVDs).
GuidanceGuidance to assist sponsors with the reclassification of surgical mesh devices.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors and manufacturers about medical device definitions and requirements for system or procedure packs.
GuidanceGuidance on mandatory requirements and ongoing responsibilities for all manufacturers and sponsors of medical devices.
GuidanceGuidance on the regulatory requirements for therapeutic goods that contain, or are produced from, human blood or plasma
GuidanceGuidance on the application of the Therapeutic Goods (Vaping Goods - Possession and Supply) Determination 2024.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors on the eligibility criteria for reduced application and evaluation fees for major variation applications for prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance for manufacturers and sponsors on the product standards that apply to haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs).
GuidanceGuidance for interpreting the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) guide to good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products.
GuidanceThis guidance applies to manufacturers of medical devices that are regulated as system or procedure packs and supplied using the special conformity assessment procedure regulatory pathway.
GuidanceGuidance on our risk-based approach and criteria for autologous human cell and tissue exemptions, exclusions and regulation.
GuidanceGuidance on the documents that may be required to include a medical device in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), including In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices (IVDs).
GuidanceGuidance on how sterilants and disinfectants are regulated in Australia. List of relevant legislation.
GuidanceGuidance relating to the supply of in vitro diagnostic medical devices for the detection of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 infections.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors of antibiotics on collecting and providing pre- and post-market information about antibiotic resistance.
GuidanceGuidance on understanding the rules for advertising therapeutic goods to consumers
GuidanceGuidance on reporting adverse events for sponsors of medical devices.
GuidanceThis guidance assists providers of IV drips to understand how to comply with the therapeutic goods advertising requirements in Australia.
GuidanceGuidance for importation, supply and wholesale requirements for medicinal cannabis.
GuidanceGuidance about how to promote your business and service, without advertising biologicals to the public.
GuidanceGuidance on the use of a medical device in a way that is not included in the intended purpose in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), and rules for advertising off-label uses.
GuidanceGuidance on advertising services that involve therapeutic goods.
GuidanceGuidance on equivalence of herbal extracts in complementary medicines.
Applying for a Class 1 biological to be added in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
GuidanceGuidance for preparing and submitting an application for inclusion of a Class 1 biological on the ARTG. -
GuidanceIf your business is involved with medicinal cannabis products or health services involving medicinal cannabis, this guidance will help ensure you do not unlawfully advertise medicinal cannabis to consumers. This includes through the promotion of your business or services.
GuidanceFind out how TGA regulates software and artificial intelligence (AI) based medical devices.
GuidanceInformation on the rules governing COVID-19 rapid antigen tests (RATs) advertising.
GuidanceThis guidance aims to help advertisers apply the legislative requirements for advertising therapeutic goods on social media platforms.
GuidanceGuidance on preliminary assessment requirements for medical devices, including in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs), being included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
GuidanceGuidance to assist sponsors and manufacturers of medicinal cannabis products to conform with TGO 100.
GuidanceGuidance on interpretation of software exclusion criteria to understand the boundaries between software that is and is not regulated.
GuidanceGuidance for interpreting the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) guide to good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products.
GuidanceThis guidance helps Australian health practitioners, that manufacture, supply, and use medical devices, to understand whether you are regulated by us, and how to comply.
GuidanceGuidance on the transitional arrangements and obligations of sponsors and manufacturers.
GuidanceGuidance on the transitional arrangements and obligations.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors of medical devices intended to be used in direct contact with the heart, central circulatory system (CCS) or the central nervous system (CNS) on transitional arrangements and obligations.
GuidanceGuidance to assist sponsors and manufacturers when applying for inclusion in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) and selecting a GMDN term.
GuidanceGuidance for sanctions and penalties for non-compliant advertising.
GuidanceThis guidance aims to assist sponsors of active implantable medical devices (AIMD) with meeting their obligations.
GuidanceGuidance on the mandatory reporting scheme for medicine shortages and permanent discontinuations, and our approach to compliance.
GuidanceGuidance for providing acceptable evidence to support indications and claims made about your listed medicine.
GuidanceGuidance on the process and regulatory requirements to register prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance about evidence required to substantiate the quality of the product, for over-the-counter (OTC) medicine registration applications.
GuidanceThis guidance is for sponsors and manufacturers supplying medicines in Australia that are serialised or have data matrix codes.
GuidanceGuidance to assist manufacturers of medical devices and their component parts with meeting their regulatory obligations.
GuidanceGuidance on how to access and use the Permissible Ingredients Determination for the purposes of submitting applications for substances in listed and assessed listed medicines.
GuidanceGuidance for what to do if the sponsor of a therapeutic good changes.
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors on changing information in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for registered complementary medicines.
GuidanceInformation required to establish quality for listed medicines
GuidanceRisk management plans for medicines and biologicals has been updated with new content, new Australia-Specific Annex and a new form.
GuidanceThis guidance describes the safety and efficacy data you will need for CTD Module 4 and Module 5 to support applications to either register an OTC medicine in the ARTG or vary the safety and/or efficacy aspects of a registered OTC medicine. (Formerly ARGOM Appendix 1)
GuidanceGuidance on the two mechanisms to provide information about a drug substance sourced from a third-party manufacturer.
GuidanceGuidance to assist you with submitting acceptable applications for registration of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.