Safety updates
A Safety update gives practical information on the safety of health products and emerging safety issues. These updates are provided for health professionals.
The Safety updates replaced the Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin in 2010.
Find archived copies 1995 to 2009 at the National Library of Australia in Trove Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin archive
Search the Article index from 1982 to 2009
Medicine safety updates
Medicines Safety Update (MSU) provides health professionals with practical information and advice on drug safety and information about emerging safety issues. The articles also provide information on adverse event reporting and how health professionals can contribute to safety monitoring in Australia. Safety update articles are published as relevant topics arise.
Health professionals and interested persons can subscribe and receive email notifications when new articles are published.
Medical devices safety updates
Medical Devices Safety Update (MDSU) provides health professionals with practical information and advice on medical device safety and information about emerging safety issues. The articles provide information on adverse event reporting and how health professionals can contribute to safety monitoring in Australia. Safety update articles are published as relevant topics arise.
Health professionals and interested persons can subscribe and receive email notifications when new articles are published.
Latest Safety updates
Information for health professionals about medicines with safety related updates to their Product Information.
Information for health professionals about medicines with safety related updates to their Product Information.
Additional safety information is being added to all montelukast products to strengthen and highlight existing warnings about serious neuropsychiatric events.
TCMs sold in Australia are carefully regulated to ensure safety and quality.
Information for health professionals about medicines with safety related updates to their Product Information.
Information for health professionals about medicines with safety related updates to their Product Information.