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Vapes: news and updates
Read the latest news and updates related to vapes.
The Minister for Health and Aged Care has announced the Government’s intention to take strong action to address vaping in Australia, by introducing a comprehensive range of reforms. These reforms will result in significant changes to the regulatory requirements for the importation, manufacture and supply of vapes in Australia, irrespective of nicotine content or therapeutic claims. Read more about the reforms to the regulation of vapes.
31 August 2023
TGA seizes 40,000 vapes as part of multi-agency operation in Queensland
On 29 August 2023, the TGA executed multiple warrants on storage units and residences in Brisbane and seized over 40,000 vaping products with an estimated street value of over $1.2 million.
13 June 2023
Infringement notices totalling $588,840 issued to three Sydney-based TSG stores and Jaradat and Sabbagh Group Pty Ltd
The TGA has issued 38 infringement notices totalling $588,840 to four Sydney-based entities for allegedly importing 22 consignments containing a total of 379,600 nicotine vaping products.
30 November 2022
Consultation: Proposed reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products
The TGA is seeking public comment on potential reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) in Australia.
18 November 2022
Medical practitioner fined $2,664 for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued an infringement notice of $2,664 to a NSW-based medical practitioner for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products in a social media post.
17 May 2022
Khazanah Nasional Pty Ltd fined $39,960 for alleged unlawful advertising of disposable nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued three infringement notices totalling $39,960 to New South Wales based company Khazanah Nasional Pty Ltd for alleged unlawful advertising of disposable liquid nicotine vaping products.
7 March 2022
DPD Stores Pty Ltd fined $26,640 for alleged counterfeit nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued two infringement notices totalling $26,640 to DPD Stores Pty Ltd, trading as Lanyon Newsagency in the ACT, in relation to alleged unlawful supply of nicotine vaping products.
23 February 2022
Melbourne-based individual fined $5,328 for alleged unlawful importation of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued two infringement notices totalling $5,328 to a Melbourne-based individual for alleged unlawful importation of nicotine vaping products.
10 February 2022
NSW based executive officer fined $10,656 for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued four infringement notices totalling $10,656 to an executive officer of a company for alleged advertising breaches of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act) in relation to nicotine vaping products.
10 February 2022
NSW company JMIT Distributors Pty Ltd fined $79,920 for alleged advertising breaches involving nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued six infringement notices totalling $79,920 to JMIT Distributors Pty Ltd (the company), for alleged advertising breaches of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act) in relation to nicotine vaping products.
7 December 2021
Large numbers of illegal nicotine vaping products seized in a joint TGA-ACT Health operation
Dangerous and prohibited ingredients were found in two out of every three nicotine vaping products tested by the TGA, following a joint operation conducted by ACT Health and the TGA in response to community tip-offs.
22 November 2021
Melbourne company Australia Utopia Pty Ltd fined $93,240 for alleged advertising breaches for nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued seven infringement notices totalling $93,240 to Australia Utopia Pty Ltd for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products on its website.
20 November 2021
Sydney-based company Mason Online Pty Ltd fined $106,560 for alleged advertising breaches of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued eight infringement notices totalling $106,560 to Mason Online Pty Ltd for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products.
5 November 2021
Melbourne-based individual fined $7,992 for alleged unlawful importation of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued three infringement notices, totalling $7,992, to a Melbourne-based individual for alleged importation breaches involving nicotine vaping products.
5 November 2021
RV Global Ecommerce Pty Ltd fined $39,960 for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued three infringement notices totalling $39,960 to Sydney-based company RV Global Ecommerce Pty Ltd for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products.
2 November 2021
TGA warns consumers of counterfeit nicotine vaping products
The TGA is warning consumers to be aware of counterfeit nicotine vaping products advertised and sold online.
20 October 2021
Melbourne-based individual fined $18,648 for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products
The TGA has issued seven infringement notices totalling $18,648 to a Melbourne-based individual, for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products.
5 October 2021
Prescriptions now required to import nicotine vaping products
Australian consumers now require a valid prescription from any of Australia's 100,000 medical practitioners to import nicotine vaping products from overseas websites. A valid prescription continues to be required to purchase nicotine vaping products from Australian pharmacies. It remains illegal for other Australian retailers to sell nicotine vaping products to consumers.
18 August 2021
Advertising nicotine vaping products
The TGA has published a revised advertising permission allowing pharmacies and pharmacy marketing groups to promote, through certain media, that they are able to dispense nicotine vaping products on prescription.
12 August 2021
Consumers urged to see their GP ahead of changes to nicotine vaping laws
Users of nicotine vaping products are encouraged to make an appointment with their GP to discuss their smoking cessation options, ahead of changes from 1 October 2021.
5 May 2021
Nicotine e-cigarettes laws are changing
If you currently use nicotine e-cigarettes, you need to be aware that from 1 October 2021 you will no longer be able to legally buy these products from overseas websites without first talking with a GP and getting a prescription.
21 December 2020
TGA confirms nicotine e-cigarette access is by prescription only
From 1 October 2021, the law for consumers to import nicotine e-cigarettes and liquid nicotine will align with the law for them to buy such products domestically.
23 September 2020
Access to nicotine-containing e-cigarettes
Today the TGA announced an interim decision that, if made final, would clarify the regulation of e-cigarettes containing nicotine, and nicotine fluids for vaping.
25 October 2019
Importation of e-cigarettes containing nicotine (and nicotine-containing liquids for use in e-cigarettes)
You can legally import nicotine-containing e-cigarettes (or nicotine-containing liquids for use in e-cigarettes) for personal use, under limited circumstances, through the Therapeutic Goods Administration's Personal Importation Scheme.
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This webpage on the TGA website was printed on 21 Sep 2024. Printed content may be out of date. For up-to-date information, always refer to the digital version: