Tiffzee Liver Detox 35000mg (Cancelled from the ARTG under subsection 30(1C) of the Act)
Product name
Tiffzee Liver Detox 35000mg
Date action takes effect
Compliance action
Complementary medicine cancellation
Type of action
Cancelled from the ARTG under subsection 30(1C) of the Act
Grounds for regulatory action
The sponsor failed to comply within 20 working days after a notice was given under section 31 requiring it to provide information or documents about the certifications made in relation to the goods.
This webpage on the TGA website was printed on 21 Sep 2024. Printed content may be out of date. For up-to-date information, always refer to the digital version: https://www.tga.gov.au/resources/cancellations-suspensions/tiffzee-liver-detox-35000mg-cancelled-artg-under-subsection-301c-act