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JMAC (WA) Pty Ltd trading as PharmAust Manufacturing - Chlorhexidine 0.5% in Ethanol 70% Tinted Red - Disinfectant, hospital grade (Cancelled from the ARTG in accordance with paragraph 30(1)(b) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989)
Product name
JMAC (WA) Pty Ltd trading as PharmAust Manufacturing - Chlorhexidine 0.5% in Ethanol 70% Tinted Red - Disinfectant, hospital grade
Date action takes effect
Compliance action
Medical device cancellation
Type of action
Cancelled from the ARTG in accordance with paragraph 30(1)(b) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Grounds for regulatory action
The good had become an exempt good under Schedule 5, Item 8(f) of the Regulations. Exempt goods are not required to be included on the ARTG (paragraph 18(1) of the Act).