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Appendix A - Specific mandatory requirements
On this page: Requirements for RCM 1 applications | Requirements for RCM 2 applications | Requirements for RCM 3 applications | Requirements for RCM 4 applications | Requirements for RCM 5 applications | Table 1: Module 2 - CTD Summaries | Table 2: Module 3 - Quality | Table 3: Module 4 - Safety (nonclinical study reports) | Table 4: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): General application requirements | Table 5: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): RCM4 application requirements (generic medicines) | Table 6: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): RCM5 and C4-RCM application requirements (for new non-generic medicines to be registered in the ARTG)
Requirements for RCM 1 applications:
- CTD Module 1: registered complementary medicines including:
- a letter of authorisation from the sponsor of the fully evaluated originator medicine to access the medicine information in Module 1 under 'letters of authorisation' (1.5.5); and
- assurance that all quality aspects of the proposed medicine are identical to the originator medicine, other than differences that are specifically permitted (as listed in the permitted differences guidance) in Module 1 under 'Assurances' (1.5.7)
- If the proposed product includes a new flavour, fragrance or colour (including printing inks), provide the proposed specifications and details of the test methods for the new flavour/fragrance/colours(s) in Module 3 under 'control of excipients' (3.2.P.4).
Requirements for RCM 2 applications:
- CTD Module 1: registered complementary medicines including:
- Copies of Comparable Overseas Regulator (COR) evaluation reports in Module 1 under 'Foreign regulatory information' (1.11)
Requirements for RCM 3 applications:
- CTD Module 1: registered complementary medicines:
- For generic based applications, provide Summary of bioavailability or bioequivalence study (section 1.9.1) or Justification for not providing biopharmaceutic studies (section 1.9.2).
- Submit the relevant technical module out of Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5.
Requirements for RCM 4 applications:
- CTD Module 1: registered complementary medicines
- Module 2
- Submit the relevant technical modules out of Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5.
Requirements for RCM 5 applications:
- CTD Module 1: registered complementary medicines
- Module 2
- Module 3
- Module 4
- Module 5.
- TGA is currently developing guidance for the use of evaluation reports from CORs. A list of approved CORs will be available on the TGA website in due course.
- For more information on proprietary ingredient mixtures that contain an active ingredient see Streamlining proprietary ingredient categories.
Table 1: Module 2 - CTD Summaries
Where these tables refer to the data requirements described in European Union (EU) guidelines that have been adopted by the TGA, the guidance should be read in conjunction with any applicable TGA annotation.
CTD Module | RCM Application level | Requirement | Table reference number |
2.3 Quality overall summary | RCM4 (when M3 is required) and RCM5 | Provide Module 2.3 completed in accordance with ICH M4Q Common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use - Quality (CPMP/ICH/2887/99 Rev 1 Quality). | 1.a |
2.4 Nonclinical overview | RCM4 (when M4 is required) and RCM5 | For all applications that include Module 4, provide Module 2.4 completed in accordance with ICH M4S Common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use - Safety (CPMP/ICH/2887/99 Rev 1 Safety). Also provide Module 2.4 for applications where the levels of impurities and degradants lie outside the levels permitted in Quality data for complementary medicines (these applications require Module 4 data in support of the proposed limits or a justification for the absence of Module 4 data). | 1.b |
2.5 Clinical overview | RCM5 and when M5 data is required for RCM4, C3-RCM and C4-RCM | For all applications that include Module 5, provide Module 2.5 completed in accordance with ICH M4E Common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use - Efficacy (CPMP/ICH/2887/99 Rev 1 Efficacy) to the extent that it is applicable. For example, for a generic medicine application where Module 5 only consists of a bioequivalence study (Module 5.3.1), Module 2.5 would consist of a clinical overview of the findings from the bioequivalence study together with any other relevant information, as appropriate. | 1.c |
2.6 Nonclinical summary | C3-RCM, C4-RCM (only applicable when M4 data is required) | For all applications that include Module 4, provide Module 2.6 completed in accordance with ICH M4S Common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use - Safety (CPMP/ICH/2887/99 Rev 1 Safety). | 1.d |
2.7 Clinical summary | C3-RCM, C4-RCM (only applicable when M5 data is required) | For all applications that include Module 5, provide Module 2.7 completed in accordance with ICH M4E Common technical document for the registration of pharmaceuticals for human use - Efficacy (CPMP/ICH/2887/99 Rev 1 Efficacy) to the extent that it is applicable. For example, for a generic medicine application where Module 5 only consists of a bioequivalence study (Module 5.3.1), Module 2.7 would consist of a clinical summary of the bioequivalence study. | 1.e |
Table 2: Module 3 - Quality
The table below describes the minimum data that must be submitted in Module 3 for an application to be considered effective. For further guidance refer to the Quality information for a new registered complementary medicine.
CTD Module | RCM Application level | Module 3 requirement | Table reference number |
3.2.S Drug Substance | RCM5 - new active ingredient | For an application to register a medicine containing a new chemical entity that is an active ingredient, provide Module 3.2.S data in accordance with the Quality data for complementary medicines. | 2.a |
3.2.S.4 Control of Drug substance | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 - excluding new active ingredients and premixes | For a drug substance that is the subject of a default standard monograph provide, either:
For a drug substance that is NOT the subject of a default standard monograph provide:
| 2.b |
3.2.S.4 Control of drug substance | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 - premixes (ingredient blends)[3] | For a drug substance that is purchased already manufactured as part of an ingredient blend or premix, provide:
| 2.c |
3.2.P.1 & 3.2.P.2 Drug product (description, composition and pharmaceutical development) | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 |
| 2.d |
3.2.P.3 Drug product (manufacture) | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Include a brief outline of the method of manufacture and batch formula. Provide an assurance that the manufacturing process will be validated (or has been validated) according to the requirements of the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice [the Therapeutic Goods (Manufacturing Principles) Determination 2018 contains a definition of 'the Code'], and that the manufacturer's validation report and related information will be available for review, on request, by the TGA within 3 months of release for supply of the first production batch. Additional manufacturing validation information is required for the following specific medicine types:
| 2.e |
3.2.P.4 Control of excipients | RCM1 (flavour/fragrance/colour variants only) C2-RCM change code GPI - addition of flavour/fragrance/colour. | Provide the proposed specifications and details of the test methods for the new flavour/fragrance/colour. | 2.f |
3.2.P.4 Control of excipients | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | State which excipients comply fully with the applicable monograph in the default standard (BP, Ph.Eur. or USP). For excipients that are the subject of a default standard monograph, provide either:
For excipients that are NOT the subject of a default standard monograph, provide:
For excipients that are purchased already manufactured as part of a premix (ingredient blend), provide:
| 2.g |
3.2.P.5.1 Control of drug product | RCM2, RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide the proposed expiry and release specifications for the finished product. Note: Finished product specifications must be provided for all RCM2, RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 applications, including those where a justification is made for providing an abridged Module 3 (for example, when all quality aspects are identical to a fully evaluated 'parent' medicine, whose sponsor has given the TGA authorisation to access the parent files for the purpose of the application). | 2.h |
3.2.P.5.2 Analytical procedures | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide a detailed description of all in-house test methods, in accordance with the requirements of the Quality data for complementary medicines - Analytical procedures. | 2.i |
3.2.P.5.3 Validation of test methods | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide analytical validation reports for critical assay methods, in accordance with the requirements of theQuality data for complementary medicines - Analytical procedures. All raw data supplied (e.g. HPLC traces) must be clear and legible. | 2.j |
3.2.P.5.4 Batch analysis | RCM2, RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide certificates of analysis for at least two batches. | 2.k |
3.2.P.5.6 Control of drug product | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide a justification for the finished product specifications including:
Note: The finished product specifications must ensure compliance with all applicable default standard requirements and Therapeutic Goods Orders. | 2.l |
3.2.P.7 Container closure system | RCM2, where a measuring device is supplied with the medicine. | Provide details of the calibrations on the measuring device. | 2.m |
3.2.P.7 Container closure system | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 |
| |
3.2.P.8 Stability | RCM3, RCM4, RCM5 | Provide information regarding stability trials in accordance with the requirements of the Quality data for complementary medicines, including:
If the stability data package does not meet any or all of the above requirements, this must be identified in the application cover letter and a justification must be included that meets the requirements detailed above in Justification for not complying with technical data requirements. | 2.o |
Table 3: Module 4 - Safety (nonclinical study reports)
Application type (more than one type may apply) | RCM Application level | CTD Module | Module 4 requirement | Table reference number |
Application for a medicine that contains an excipient that is one or more of:
Note: If you are unsure whether the excipient has been assessed for the proposed route of administration, concentration or RCM use, contact | RCM4. RCM5. C3-RCM | 4 | Provide nonclinical data or a justification for not providing data, in accordance with the:
An assessment of the information relating to safety must be provided in the nonclinical overview (Module 2.4). | 3.a |
Application for a medicine that has impurities that are above those allowed in Impurities and incidental constituents of complementary medicines | RCM4, RCM5 | 4 | Provide safety data (Module 4) or a scientific justification (Module 2.4 and/or Module 4) to support the proposed impurity limits. Provide an assessment of this information in the nonclinical overview (Module 2.4). | 3.b |
Applications that are fully or partly literature based (literature based submission). | RCM4, RCM5, C3-RCM, C4-RCM | 4.3 | Provide information in accordance with the TGA guidance:
Note that Modules 1.5.1, 2.4 and 2.6 (as applicable) are also required. | 3.c |
Applications for a topical medicine that includes a 'hypoallergenic' claim. | RCM4, RCM5 | 4 | Provide data in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Guidelines on OTC applications for specific substances - Hypoallergenicity of topical preparations. | 3.d |
Application for a non-generic medicine that has one or more of:
| RCM4, RCM5, C4-RCM | 4 | Provide nonclinical data or a scientific justification for the absence of nonclinical data, in accordance with:
Provide an assessment of the information relating to safety in the nonclinical overview (Module 2.4) or nonclinical summary (Module 2.6). | 3.e |
Table 4: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): General application requirements
In addition to the requirements in this table, the specific Module 5 requirements for generic medicine applications are described in Table 5, and for non-generic medicine applications in Table 6.
Application type (more than one type may apply) | RCM Application level | CTD Module | Module 5 Requirement | Table reference number |
Applications that include comparative bioavailability/ bioequivalence reports | RCM4, RCM5, C4-RCM | 5.3.1 | Provide bioavailability/bioequivalence study reports in accordance with requirements detailed in: Note:
| 4.a |
Applications that include reports of biopharmaceutic studies using overseas reference product | RCM4, RCM5, C4-RCM | 5.3.1 | For a biopharmaceutic study using an overseas reference product, provide data in accordance with requirements detailed in Guidance 15: Biopharmaceutic studies - Choice of the reference product for bioequivalence of generic medicines. | 4.b |
Applications that are fully or partly literature based (literature based submission) | RCM4, RCM5, C4-RCM | 5.4 | Provide information in accordance with the TGA guidance:
Note: Module 1.5.1, 2.5 and Module 2.7 and copies of all references will need to be provided. | 4.c |
Applications for locally acting, locally applied medicines that include studies using pharmacodynamic endpoints | RCM4, RCM5, C4-RCM | 5 | Provide data demonstrating that the pharmacodynamic model is internally and externally valid. The use of pharmacodynamic endpoints must be justified in terms of their direct relevance to the intended therapeutic effect of the active ingredient in the medicine. | 4.d |
Table 5: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): RCM4 application requirements (generic medicines)
Application type (more than one type may apply) | RCM Application level | CTD Module | Module 5 requirement | Table reference number |
Generic oral medicines, other than those specifically excluded from requiring bioequivalence data see Guidance 15 - Medicines that do not require biopharmaceutic data | RCM4 | 5.3.1 | Provide bioavailability/bioequivalence study reports in accordance with the requirements for generic medicines detailed in:
| 5.a |
Generic modified release oral medicine | RCM4 | 5.3.1 | Provide the bioavailability/bioequivalence study reports in accordance with the requirements detailed in:
| 5.b |
Generic topical medicines | RCM4 | 5.3.4 5.3.5 | Provide data demonstrating therapeutic equivalence with a corresponding Australian originator medicine, in accordance with the requirements detailed in:
| 5.c |
Generic antiseptic for:
| RCM4 | 5.3 | Provide in vitro data demonstrating the antimicrobial activity using the following suitable test methods (as relevant):
| 5.d |
Generic antiseptic:
| RCM4 | 5.3 | Provide in vitro and in vivo data demonstrating the efficacy using the following suitable test methods (as relevant):
| 5.e |
Generic head lice treatment | RCM4 | 5.3 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 5.f |
Any other generic medicines | RCM4 | 5.3 | Provide data demonstrating therapeutic equivalence with a corresponding Australian originator medicine, in accordance with the requirements detailed in:
| 5.g |
Table 6: Module 5 - Efficacy (clinical study reports): RCM5 and C4-RCM application requirements (for new non-generic medicines to be registered in the ARTG)
Application type (more than one type may apply) | RCM Application level | CTD Module | Module 5 requirement | Table reference number |
New strength | RCM5 | 5 |
| 6.a |
New dosage form | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
For systemically absorbed dosage forms provide study reports in accordance with Guidance 15: Biopharmaceutic Studies. | 6.b |
New modified release dosage forms | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 6.c |
New route of administration | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 6.d |
New indications, dosage, directions for use or target population | RCM5, C4-RCM (change code GID or GDD) | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 6.e |
New fixed combination medicine or composite packs containing multiple active ingredients that do not contain a new active ingredient (new chemically entity) | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 6.f |
Non-generic locally applied, locally acting medicine (e.g. topical medicine) | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with:
| 6.g |
Non-generic antiseptic | RCM5 | 5 | Provide in vitro and in vivo data demonstrating the efficacy using the following suitable test methods (as relevant):
| 6.h |
Non-generic head lice treatment | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with: | 6.i |
New active ingredient (new chemical entity) | RCM5 | 5 | Provide data in accordance with the following studies (or a robust scientific justification for not including such studies):
| 6.j |
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