You are here Home Guidance and resources Resources Version history Version 1.2, July 2021 Last updated 20 July 2021 Listen Print Share LinkedIn (Twitter) Facebook Email Loading... VersionDescription of changeAuthorEffective dateV1.0Update of ARGOM Chapters4 Quality4A Manufacture4B Formulation4C Starting material specification4D Finished product specification4E Stability testing4F Microbiological testingRe-formatting of the above chapters as Appendix 2 - Guideline on quality aspects of OTC applications.MAG - OTCMEOctober 2012V1.1Update to 6.6 Colourings in medicines for topical and oral useMAG GSUMay 2014V1.2Addition of footnotes to information about intermediate productsCOMBJuly 2021 Previous 11. Checklist for submission of stability data