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Meeting reports and recommendations
Reports and recommendations that come from a committee meeting, including key resolutions.
For current TGA meeting outcomes see Meeting statements.
For current TGA committees see Advisory bodies and committees.
Latest Meeting reports and recommendations
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the sixth time on 17 February 2015
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the seventh time on 4 August 2015
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the fifth time on 5 August 2014
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the fourth time on 4 February 2014
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the third time on 6 August 2013
Meeting reports and recommendationsAustralian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council met for the second time on 5 February 2013
Meeting reports and recommendationsThe Australian Therapeutic Goods Advisory Council held its inaugural meeting on 22 November 2012
Meeting reports and recommendationsAdvisory Committee on Medical Devices, Meeting 2012/1 resolutions
Meeting reports and recommendationsAdvisory Committee on Medical Devices, Meeting 2011/3 report and resolutions
Meeting reports and recommendations
This webpage on the TGA website was printed on 14 Sep 2024. Printed content may be out of date. For up-to-date information, always refer to the digital version: